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Product Type
- Bangle 1 item
- Charm Bracelet 8 items
- Cocktail Ring 2 items
- Drop Earring 18 items
- Ear Cuff 3 items
- Engagement Ring 1 item
- Hook Earring 11 items
- Hoop Earring 15 items
- Huggie 2 items
- In-Line Bracelet 13 items
- In-Line Necklace 19 items
- Locket 4 items
- Pendant Necklace 191 items
- Signet Ring 16 items
- Single Stud Earring 23 items
- Stacking Ring 16 items
- Statement Bracelet 2 items
- Statement Earring 8 items
- Statement Necklace 1 item
- Stud Earring 36 items
- Wedding Ring 1 item
Ring Style
- 25th Anniversary 3 items
- Alice In Wonderland 3 items
- Banquet 2 items
- Best Of British 6 items
- Beyond The Sea 7 items
- Bon Voyage 9 items
- Buckingham Palace 2 items
- Chrysanthemum 6 items
- Daisy Bell 6 items
- Decade Of Alex Monroe 1 item
- Doctor Who 4 items
- Dream Of Me 1 item
- Enchanted Alphabet 26 items
- Entomology 8 items
- Fables 13 items
- Feather 5 items
- Floral Alphabet 26 items
- Floral Fayre 7 items
- Four Seasons 8 items
- Friends Of The Earth 1 item
- Gather A Dream 8 items
- La Dolce Vita 17 items
- Meadowgrass 2 items
- Natural History 13 items
- Natural Life 8 items
- Oceans 21 items
- Original Sin 1 item
- Peacock And The Crow 2 items
- Peter Pan 4 items
- Plant Hunter's Paradise 5 items
- Plume 5 items
- Posy 3 items
- Raven Smith 8 items
- Roll Me Over In The Clover 2 items
- Rosa Damasca 2 items
- RSPB 1 item
- Sophia Webster 2 items
- Summer Of Love 7 items
- Sunblossom 2 items
- Teeny Tiny 35 items
- Teeny Tiny Floral Alphabet 25 items
- The Beekeeper 6 items
- The Birds And The Wood Bees 6 items
- The Chase 8 items
- The Gardener 3 items
- The Haberdashery 3 items
- The Potager 10 items
- Anatomical 1 item
- Animals 112 items
- Architectural 6 items
- Bees 17 items
- Birds 32 items
- Birthstones 15 items
- Botanical 172 items
- Celestial 26 items
- Dinosaurs 13 items
- Feathers 16 items
- Flowers 93 items
- Fruits 19 items
- Hearts 9 items
- Hobbies 4 items
- Initial 77 items
- Insects 28 items
- Leaves 28 items
- Love 11 items
- Sea Life 35 items
- Travel 16 items
- Vegetables & Gardening 13 items
- Amethyst 3 items
- Aquamarine 3 items
- Citrine 4 items
- Diamond 9 items
- Emerald 1 item
- Garnet 3 items
- Iolite 2 items
- Labradorite 1 item
- Moonstone 1 item
- Opal 5 items
- Pearl 14 items
- Peridot 4 items
- Rock Crystal 1 item
- Ruby 2 items
- Sapphire 3 items
- Smoky Quartz 1 item
- Topaz 10 items
- Tourmaline 7 items
- Tsavorite 3 items
- Turquoise 1 item
Gemstone Colour
- Decade of Alex Monroe 1 item
- Doctor Who 4 items
- La Dolce Vita 17 items
- Enchanted Woodland Alphabet 26 items
- Entomology 8 items
- Fables 13 items
- Floral Alphabet 26 items
- Gather A Dream 8 items
- Hair Pieces 2 items
- Homeware 9 items
- Natural History 13 items
- Natural Life 8 items
- Oceans 22 items
- Raven Smith 8 items
- Peter Pan 4 items
- Plume 5 items
- The Potager 10 items
- Summer of Love 6 items
- Teeny Tiny Floral Alphabet 25 items
- The Beehive 15 items
- Teeny Tinies 32 items
- V&A 3 items
- Greetings Cards 6 items
Product Type
- Bangle 1 item
- Charm Bracelet 8 items
- Cocktail Ring 2 items
- Drop Earring 18 items
- Ear Cuff 3 items
- Engagement Ring 1 item
- Hook Earring 11 items
- Hoop Earring 15 items
- Huggie 2 items
- In-Line Bracelet 13 items
- In-Line Necklace 19 items
- Locket 4 items
- Pendant Necklace 191 items
- Signet Ring 16 items
- Single Stud Earring 23 items
- Stacking Ring 16 items
- Statement Bracelet 2 items
- Statement Earring 8 items
- Statement Necklace 1 item
- Stud Earring 36 items
- Wedding Ring 1 item
- 25th Anniversary 3 items
- Alice In Wonderland 3 items
- Banquet 2 items
- Best Of British 6 items
- Beyond The Sea 7 items
- Bon Voyage 9 items
- Buckingham Palace 2 items
- Chrysanthemum 6 items
- Daisy Bell 6 items
- Decade Of Alex Monroe 1 item
- Doctor Who 4 items
- Dream Of Me 1 item
- Enchanted Alphabet 26 items
- Entomology 8 items
- Fables 13 items
- Feather 5 items
- Floral Alphabet 26 items
- Floral Fayre 7 items
- Four Seasons 8 items
- Friends Of The Earth 1 item
- Gather A Dream 8 items
- La Dolce Vita 17 items
- Meadowgrass 2 items
- Natural History 13 items
- Natural Life 8 items
- Oceans 21 items
- Original Sin 1 item
- Peacock And The Crow 2 items
- Peter Pan 4 items
- Plant Hunter's Paradise 5 items
- Plume 5 items
- Posy 3 items
- Raven Smith 8 items
- Roll Me Over In The Clover 2 items
- Rosa Damasca 2 items
- RSPB 1 item
- Sophia Webster 2 items
- Summer Of Love 7 items
- Sunblossom 2 items
- Teeny Tiny 35 items
- Teeny Tiny Floral Alphabet 25 items
- The Beekeeper 6 items
- The Birds And The Wood Bees 6 items
- The Chase 8 items
- The Gardener 3 items
- The Haberdashery 3 items
- The Potager 10 items
- Anatomical 1 item
- Animals 112 items
- Architectural 6 items
- Bees 17 items
- Birds 32 items
- Birthstones 15 items
- Botanical 172 items
- Celestial 26 items
- Dinosaurs 13 items
- Feathers 16 items
- Flowers 93 items
- Fruits 19 items
- Hearts 9 items
- Hobbies 4 items
- Initial 77 items
- Insects 28 items
- Leaves 28 items
- Love 11 items
- Sea Life 35 items
- Travel 16 items
- Vegetables & Gardening 13 items
- Amethyst 3 items
- Aquamarine 3 items
- Citrine 4 items
- Diamond 9 items
- Emerald 1 item
- Garnet 3 items
- Iolite 2 items
- Labradorite 1 item
- Moonstone 1 item
- Opal 5 items
- Pearl 14 items
- Peridot 4 items
- Rock Crystal 1 item
- Ruby 2 items
- Sapphire 3 items
- Smoky Quartz 1 item
- Topaz 10 items
- Tourmaline 7 items
- Tsavorite 3 items
- Turquoise 1 item
- Decade of Alex Monroe 1 item
- Doctor Who 4 items
- La Dolce Vita 17 items
- Enchanted Woodland Alphabet 26 items
- Entomology 8 items
- Fables 13 items
- Floral Alphabet 26 items
- Gather A Dream 8 items
- Hair Pieces 2 items
- Homeware 9 items
- Natural History 13 items
- Natural Life 8 items
- Oceans 22 items
- Raven Smith 8 items
- Peter Pan 4 items
- Plume 5 items
- The Potager 10 items
- Summer of Love 6 items
- Teeny Tiny Floral Alphabet 25 items
- The Beehive 15 items
- Teeny Tinies 32 items
- V&A 3 items
- Greetings Cards 6 items
417 Items
Willow Tree Small Brass HookFrom $50.00
Oak Tree Heavy Brass HookFrom $55.00
Elm Tree Deep Brass HookFrom $55.00
Birch Tree Short Brass HookFrom $50.00
Stegosaurus Drawer HandleFrom $60.00
Buttercup Drawer HandleFrom $0.00
Ammonite Drawer HandleFrom $60.00
Bumblebee Drawer HandleFrom $60.00
Grapefruit Slice NecklaceFrom $150.00
Large Lemon & Leaf NecklaceFrom $195.00
Know Your Onions Cluster NecklaceFrom $325.00
Nest Structure Statement Drop EarringsFrom $295.00
Onion NecklaceFrom $195.00
Bumblebee NecklaceFrom $165.00
Baby Bee NecklaceFrom $150.00
Honey Bee and Citrine NecklaceFrom $150.00
Teeny Tiny Bumblebee NecklaceFrom $595.00
Dandelion Fluff NecklaceFrom $115.00
Assymetric Dandelion Fluff EarringsFrom $115.00
Nest Structure Half-Circle NecklaceFrom $150.00
Seed Pod & Champagne Diamond RingFrom $195.00
Fox, Rabbit & Mouse Chase BraceletFrom $215.00
Large Honey Bee StudsFrom $150.00
Honey Bee CufflinksFrom $0.00
Tiny Butterfly Stud EarringsFrom $115.00
Itsy Bitsy Bee Single Stud EarringFrom $210.00
Sweetpea Seed Packet NecklaceFrom $150.00
Teeny Weeny Bee Single Stud EarringFrom $245.00
Victoriana Keepsake Heart LocketFrom $215.00
Nesting Birdhouse NecklaceFrom $245.00
Orange Hook EarringsFrom $150.00
Cherry Single Stud EarringFrom $50.00
Inline Allotment NecklaceFrom $165.00
Mint Leaf Single Stud EarringFrom $50.00
Artichoke Necklace with Engraved HeartFrom $150.00
Lemon Blossom Single Stud EarringFrom $50.00
Juicy Corn on the Cob NecklaceFrom $150.00
Small & Sweet Cherry NecklaceFrom $115.00
Award Winning Radish NecklaceFrom $195.00
Leafy Turnip NecklaceFrom $165.00
Small & Sweet Peach NecklaceFrom $115.00
Longline Fruit Medley Station NecklaceFrom $475.00
Fruit Cocktail Classic Station NecklaceFrom $310.00
Chrysanthemum Flower Pearl NecklaceFrom $150.00
Pomegranate and Garnet NecklaceFrom $195.00
L O V E Mixed Charm NecklaceFrom $345.00
Flying Bee with Pearl Hoop EarringsFrom $180.00
Leaping Rabbit RingFrom $130.00
Prowling Fox RingFrom $165.00
Prowling Fox NecklaceFrom $165.00
417 Items
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417 Items
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Under $500
/Jewellery/Under $500