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- 25th Anniversary 1 item
- A Garden Gathering 4 items
- Alice In Wonderland 3 items
- Banquet 2 items
- Best Of British 7 items
- Beyond The Sea 6 items
- Bon Voyage 6 items
- Buckingham Palace 2 items
- Chrysanthemum 2 items
- Daisy Bell 4 items
- Decade Of Alex Monroe 1 item
- Designs For Hope 1 item
- Doctor Who 1 item
- Dream Of Me 1 item
- Enchanted Alphabet 26 items
- Entomology 4 items
- Fables 6 items
- Feather 2 items
- Floral Alphabet 26 items
- Floral Fayre 2 items
- Four Seasons 5 items
- Friends Of The Earth 2 items
- Gather A Dream 5 items
- Golden Harvest 4 items
- Humble Beginnings 4 items
- Into The Woods 5 items
- Just My Type 31 items
- La Dolce Vita 8 items
- Meadowgrass 1 item
- Natural History 7 items
- Natural Life 3 items
- Oceans 8 items
- Original Sin 1 item
- Paul Smith 1 item
- Peacock And The Crow 1 item
- Peter Pan 3 items
- Plant Hunter's Paradise 2 items
- Plume 4 items
- Posy 1 item
- Raven Smith 4 items
- Roll Me Over In The Clover 1 item
- Rosa Damasca 1 item
- RSPB 1 item
- Sense Of Nature 8 items
- Sophia Webster 1 item
- Spring Halo 1 item
- Summer Of Love 4 items
- Sunblossom 1 item
- Teeny Tiny 29 items
- Teeny Tiny Floral Alphabet 26 items
- The Beekeeper 6 items
- The Birds And The Wood Bees 1 item
- The Chase 4 items
- The Gardener 3 items
- The Haberdashery 3 items
- The Potager 10 items
- V&A 1 item
- Wildwood 1 item
- Anatomical 5 items
- Animals 85 items
- Architectural 2 items
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- Dinosaurs 11 items
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- Initial 109 items
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- Sea Life 22 items
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- Vegetables & Gardening 11 items
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- A Garden Gathering 4 items
- Colour My Type 3 items
- Decade of Alex Monroe 1 item
- Designs for Hope 1 item
- Doctor Who 1 item
- La Dolce Vita 8 items
- Enchanted Woodland Alphabet 26 items
- Entomology 4 items
- Fables 6 items
- Floral Alphabet 26 items
- Gather A Dream 5 items
- Golden Harvest 4 items
- Into The Woods 5 items
- Just My Type 28 items
- Humble Beginnings 4 items
- Limited Edition 5 items
- Natural History 7 items
- Natural Life 3 items
- Oceans 9 items
- One of a Kind 15 items
- Raven Smith 4 items
- Peter Pan 3 items
- Plume 4 items
- The Potager 10 items
- Summer of Love 3 items
- Teeny Tiny Floral Alphabet 26 items
- The Beehive 9 items
- Teeny Tinies 20 items
- V&A 3 items
- 25th Anniversary 1 item
- A Garden Gathering 4 items
- Alice In Wonderland 3 items
- Banquet 2 items
- Best Of British 7 items
- Beyond The Sea 6 items
- Bon Voyage 6 items
- Buckingham Palace 2 items
- Chrysanthemum 2 items
- Daisy Bell 4 items
- Decade Of Alex Monroe 1 item
- Designs For Hope 1 item
- Doctor Who 1 item
- Dream Of Me 1 item
- Enchanted Alphabet 26 items
- Entomology 4 items
- Fables 6 items
- Feather 2 items
- Floral Alphabet 26 items
- Floral Fayre 2 items
- Four Seasons 5 items
- Friends Of The Earth 2 items
- Gather A Dream 5 items
- Golden Harvest 4 items
- Humble Beginnings 4 items
- Into The Woods 5 items
- Just My Type 31 items
- La Dolce Vita 8 items
- Meadowgrass 1 item
- Natural History 7 items
- Natural Life 3 items
- Oceans 8 items
- Original Sin 1 item
- Paul Smith 1 item
- Peacock And The Crow 1 item
- Peter Pan 3 items
- Plant Hunter's Paradise 2 items
- Plume 4 items
- Posy 1 item
- Raven Smith 4 items
- Roll Me Over In The Clover 1 item
- Rosa Damasca 1 item
- RSPB 1 item
- Sense Of Nature 8 items
- Sophia Webster 1 item
- Spring Halo 1 item
- Summer Of Love 4 items
- Sunblossom 1 item
- Teeny Tiny 29 items
- Teeny Tiny Floral Alphabet 26 items
- The Beekeeper 6 items
- The Birds And The Wood Bees 1 item
- The Chase 4 items
- The Gardener 3 items
- The Haberdashery 3 items
- The Potager 10 items
- V&A 1 item
- Wildwood 1 item
- Anatomical 5 items
- Animals 85 items
- Architectural 2 items
- Bees 18 items
- Birds 23 items
- Birthstones 2 items
- Botanical 158 items
- Celestial 6 items
- Dinosaurs 11 items
- Feathers 9 items
- Flowers 102 items
- Fruits 17 items
- Hearts 14 items
- Hobbies 3 items
- Initial 109 items
- Insects 22 items
- Leaves 21 items
- Love 13 items
- Mushrooms 3 items
- Sea Life 22 items
- Travel 17 items
- Vegetables & Gardening 11 items
- A Garden Gathering 4 items
- Colour My Type 3 items
- Decade of Alex Monroe 1 item
- Designs for Hope 1 item
- Doctor Who 1 item
- La Dolce Vita 8 items
- Enchanted Woodland Alphabet 26 items
- Entomology 4 items
- Fables 6 items
- Floral Alphabet 26 items
- Gather A Dream 5 items
- Golden Harvest 4 items
- Into The Woods 5 items
- Just My Type 28 items
- Humble Beginnings 4 items
- Limited Edition 5 items
- Natural History 7 items
- Natural Life 3 items
- Oceans 9 items
- One of a Kind 15 items
- Raven Smith 4 items
- Peter Pan 3 items
- Plume 4 items
- The Potager 10 items
- Summer of Love 3 items
- Teeny Tiny Floral Alphabet 26 items
- The Beehive 9 items
- Teeny Tinies 20 items
- V&A 3 items
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Just My Type Letter D NecklaceFrom £135.00
Mushroom Patch Loop NecklaceFrom £105.00
Grazing Doe NecklaceFrom £150.00
Peacock Feather NecklaceFrom £135.00
Just My Type Letter E NecklaceFrom £135.00
Just My Type Letter F NecklaceFrom £135.00
Just My Type Letter G NecklaceFrom £135.00
Just My Type Letter H NecklaceFrom £135.00
Big Feather NecklaceFrom £135.00
Sea Turtle NecklaceFrom £150.00
Cheeky Crab NecklaceFrom £210.00
Just My Type Letter I NecklaceFrom £135.00
Just My Type Letter J NecklaceFrom £135.00
Just My Type Letter K NecklaceFrom £135.00
Just My Type Letter L NecklaceFrom £135.00
Hummingbird NecklaceFrom £135.00
Baby Blue Whale NecklaceFrom £150.00
Just My Type Letter M NecklaceFrom £135.00
Just My Type Letter N NecklaceFrom £135.00
Just My Type Letter O NecklaceFrom £135.00
Just My Type Letter P NecklaceFrom £135.00
Cockney Sparrow NecklaceFrom £150.00
Prowling Fox NecklaceFrom £150.00
Flying Bee with Pearl NecklaceFrom £150.00
Just My Type Letter Q NecklaceFrom £135.00
Just My Type Letter R NecklaceFrom £135.00
Just My Type Letter S NecklaceFrom £135.00
Just My Type Letter T NecklaceFrom £135.00
Tyrannosaurus Rex NecklaceFrom £150.00
18ct Inbetweeny Bee NecklaceFrom £995.00
Lucky Clover NecklaceFrom £120.00
Stegosaurus NecklaceFrom £150.00
Just My Type Letter U NecklaceFrom £135.00
Just my Type Letter V NecklaceFrom £135.00
Just My Type Letter W NecklaceFrom £135.00
Just My Type Letter X NecklaceFrom £135.00
Dodo NecklaceFrom £150.00
Marching Elephants NecklaceFrom £165.00
White Rabbit NecklaceFrom £135.00
Just My Type Letter Y NecklaceFrom £135.00
Just My Type Letter Z NecklaceFrom £135.00
Just my Type Ampersand NecklaceFrom £135.00
Teeny Tiny Bumblebee NecklaceFrom £550.00
Floral Letter A NecklaceFrom £105.00
Floral Letter B NecklaceFrom £105.00
Floral Letter C necklaceFrom £105.00
Floral Letter D NecklaceFrom £105.00
Two Birds on a Branch NecklaceFrom £150.00
Teeny Tiny Rabbit NecklaceFrom £550.00
Teeny Tiny Dragonfly NecklaceFrom £550.00
Teeny Tiny Squirrel NecklaceFrom £550.00
Split Peach NecklaceFrom £180.00
Little Feather Inline NecklaceFrom £120.00
Teeny Tiny T-Rex NecklaceFrom £550.00
Teeny Tiny Wren NecklaceFrom £550.00
Teeny Tiny Stegosaurus NecklaceFrom £550.00
Teeny Tiny Hummingbird NecklaceFrom £550.00
Teeny Tiny Garden Key NecklaceFrom £550.00
340 Items
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